11 Jan

11/05 Night update about actual Etna eruption

This afternoon I went from Nicolosi to Giarre. It was possible to see a lot of smoke inside Valle del Bove so I doubted it was lava from Sud Est crater. From Giarre, by evening, it was spectacular. Three different lava arms, long and big. One of them divided in other two. It was not …


10 Jan


Good weather and a little Etna show, this morning. Sud Est crater decided to launch a bit of black ash but wind luckly was not in our direction. In first photo you can appreciate how far crater is from hotel. In second photo thanks a perspective joke it seems very close, isn’t it?


10 Jan

10/05 Sud Est Crater in eruption!

Fresh new and Etna welcome to our guest mr. and mrs. Krabusch [11/05 they will come in a week but eruption has ended, bad luck this time!]: Sud Est is back in action! [not confirmed it has really been Sud Est]


10 Jan

10/06 Etna sunrise

Our friend Amara Graps this morning wrote: “It is beautiful to watch the sunrise on Etna while there is a lava flow. The variety of pinks and oranges is lovely.” Amara sent us photo of Etna webcam you see in today’s news. This morning lava river is particularly long and bright. I had same impression …


9 Jan

09/06 Etna webcams by night

Mr Eric Zieltjes was online yesterday night. He sent us an Etna Trekking webcam image and his comment “Hi seems there is some action right now”. I suppose this is one of relatively bigger explosions than Bottoniera offers every 10-30 minutes, those ones reputed dangerous because unexpected. I had to zoom image and now it …


9 Jan

09/07 Krabusch’s full immersion and Coldplay on Etna

In photo gallery you will find an entire CD-ROM of photo of mr. and mrs. Krabusch reduced to ‘just’ 30 Megabytes. Section name is: ‘Full immersion’ Krabusch June 2008 After looking at photos you can launch Coldplay video on Etna.