This is last evening mr. Charles Riviere comes here to update his news. It was very entertaining to have all news before everyone else and to publish his pictures and his discoveries so it’s a bit sad to me to announce he will leave Sicily tomorrow. Anyway last day comes with another extraordinary new. Do you remember yesterday’s artificial hole in lava skin? Well, today this hole began to fire jets of overheated air. It’s incredible to look this stable and pure columns of fire like those projected by a soldering-iron. I am sorry he doesn’t have a cable to download pictures and videos because images are rare and precious. In this moment mr. Riviere is updating his news but you’ll have to wait this night or tomorrow morning to see pictures directly from his website. Click this link to look if Etna pictures and videos are uploaded. Luckily two friends just come in hotel. Herr and Frau Krabusch will go almost every day near eruption 2004 and will provide us some fresh news. Tomorrow evening I should be able to publish some of their Etna pictures.
In this moment they are here with a full load of pictures on their camera and they are glad to share pictures with me and mr. Riviere. I added two of their 1999 pictures just for sample. These images don’t show current activity. You can see them in Stromboli On Line 1999 eruption website.
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